DH’s student health and elderly health services to resume service gradually from next Monday

     The Department of Health (DH) today (October 29) announced that the Student Health Service (StdHS) and the Elderly Health Service (EHS) will gradually resume normal services with effect from November 2.
     In view of the latest situation of COVID-19, the StdHS's annual health assessment for Primary One and Two and Secondary One students in the school year 2020/21 will be gradually resumed at 12 out of 13 Student Health Service Centres (SHSCs), with the West Kowloon Government Offices SHSC being the exception. Parents will be notified of the arrangements via their schools. 
     Meanwhile, all 18 Elderly Health Centres (EHCs) will resume normal opening hours starting from November 2, with services including non-booked visits gradually resumed. Members with prior appointments will be informed by the respective EHCs about their appointment arrangements, if necessary. 
     Please visit the following websites for details:
StdHS: www.studenthealth.gov.hk/english/notices/news.html; and
EHS: www.elderly.gov.hk/eindex.html
     For further enquiries, please contact the respective SHSC or EHC.