Detailed guide: How to get paid under an agreement: Environmental Stewardship


Updated: Deadline for late applications and amendments has passed.

Making a claim

The deadline for Natural England to receive Environmental Stewardship (ES) revenue claims and amendments was 11 June 2018. Natural England will not accept any further revenue claims in 2018.

The extension of the Countryside Stewardship payment claim deadline does not apply to ES claims.

Claims for capital works under HLS

Contact Natural England to request a capital works claim form. You can claim:

  • throughout the year when you complete work as specified in your agreement
  • for capital works for educational access visits

You’ll need to complete the HLS VAT declaration form if you are not registered for VAT with HM Revenue and Customs.

Getting paid

Natural England and RPA aim to make:

  • partial payments by December 2018
  • end of year payments by June 2019

RPA will make payments into your bank account. To update RPA on your bank account details, call 03000 200 301.

Changes to your agreement

You must notify Natural England in writing before you make any changes to your agreement. This is in addition to completing your claim form. Check your agreement’s handbook for details of the requirements and deadlines for making changes.

Your payments may be affected if you do not meet the requirements and deadlines in your handbook.


Natural England – contact the office for your county.

Rural Payments Agency – call the helpline on 03000 200 301.

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