Deposit Return Scheme must include glass


1 Feb 2019

Maurice Golden

The Scottish Conservatives have called for the SNP government to include glass in the forthcoming deposit return scheme.

Maurice Golden, Scottish Conservative shadow environment secretary has written to Roseanna Cunningham, Cabinet Secretary for the environment to press the case that including glass in a deposit return scheme would allow Scotland to increase levels of recycling whilst also tackling waste.

Recent figures from the Marine Conservation Society have highlighted that glass is a significant litter issue.

Producing recycled glass consumes 30% less energy than creating it from scratch.

A deposit return system would separate glass by colour, making it easier to convert into new bottles.

Scottish whisky producers could then take advantage of this new quality and environmentally-friendly product, enabling the creation of a circular glass economy.

Maurice Golden, Scottish Conservative shadow environment secretary said:

“This is an opportunity to create an ambitious and inclusive UK wide system deposit return system, including glass, which will tackle litter and improve recycling rates.

“This would be a challenge for local government but local councils should see cost savings, partly because the substantial reduction in litter as well as less waste in bins.

“Glass manufacturing is a billion-pound industry in the UK, contributing thousands of jobs directly and in the supply chain.

“Once we have produced the recycled glass bottles we have one of Scotland’s most iconic sectors, namely whisky, on hand ready to utilise these environmentally friendly packaging products.

“Many of Scotland’s high-quality brewers, like Black Isle and Williams Brothers, support deposits and would much prefer to use recycled glass.

“Including glass in a deposit system will help to discourage litter and encourage recycling which will create and maintain jobs while helping to tackle climate change.”

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