Delay in publishing this report is more evidence of a Government that is all talk and little action – Dawn Butler

Dawn Butler MP, Labour’s Shadow Minister for Women and Equalities, commenting on Theresa May’s trail of next week’s publication of the Government’s audit of public services to reveal racial disparities, said:

“The delay in publishing this report is yet more evidence of a Government that is all talk and little action. Theresa May promised to publish the findings of this audit before summer 2017, but has instead sat on the data for months.

"I am glad the data I requested from the Prime Minister three months ago when Parliament was sitting will finally be published, but Theresa May has questions to answer on why it he taken so long to shine a light on the "burning injustices” she promised to address over a year ago.

“This morning, the Prime Minister said the audit’s findings would prove difficult reading. When the report is published, it must be in a full and transparent manner and proposals must immediately be brought forward to tackle racial disparities. We cannot wait another year.”