Decision on 2019-20 civil service pay adjustment

     The Civil Service Bureau announced today (June 19) that the Chief Executive-in-Council (CE-in-Council) has decided that civil service pay for 2019-20 should be adjusted as follows, taking retrospective effect from April 1 this year:

(a) a pay increase of 4.75 per cent for civil servants in the upper salary band and the directorate, subject to the pay points referred to in (i) and (ii) below the dollar values of which should be as specified:
(i) Master Pay Scale (MPS) 34 at $74,515 and MPS 35 at $75,265; and
(ii) General Disciplined Services (Officer) Pay Scale (GDS(O)) 20 and Police Pay Scale (PPS) 36 at $74,390, and GDS(O) 21 and PPS 37 at $75,135; and
(b) a pay increase of 5.26 per cent for civil servants in the lower and middle salary bands.
     In arriving at this decision, the CE-in-Council has thoroughly considered the staff side's response to the pay offers and all the relevant factors under the established annual civil service pay adjustment mechanism, including:
* the net pay trend indicators;
* the state of Hong Kong's economy;
* changes in the cost of living;
* the Government's fiscal position;
* the pay claims of the staff side; and
* civil service morale.
     The Government will submit the 2019-20 civil service pay adjustment proposal to the Finance Committee of the Legislative Council for consideration as soon as possible.