Decision: GDA decisions and SoDA: AP1000® nuclear power station design by Westinghouse Electric Company
Updated: Added bilingual supplement to decision document summary.
In 2011 the Environment Agency published its decision document setting out its detailed assessment of environmental aspects of the UK AP1000® nuclear power station design. It used the comments and issues raised in the 2010 consultation to help inform its decisions.
Since December 2011, the Environment Agency has been assessing the further information Westinghouse provided.
The environmental regulators have now issued a full SoDA. This supplement to the 2011 decision document explains developments since 2011 and why they have issued a SoDA.
The regulators conclude that the environmental aspects of the design would meet the high standards they expect, and have decided to issue a SoDA for the design.
The Office for Nuclear Regulation has also published its Design Acceptance Confirmation.