Dealing with the EU

I am glad to see Lord Frost has been brought in to sort out the remaining difficulties over fish, and the  trade issues between GB and Northern Ireland. I hope he will also be a strong voice to deliver the wins from Brexit we have often discussed on this site. Next week’s budget offers another opportunity to lower or remove EU taxes imposed under their VAT rules and to amend their court judgements on business taxes. There is also plenty of leeway to use our new grant and loan regimes at the Environment and Agriculture Department to grow more food at home and serve our local markets better. Our renewed status as an independent coastal state should be used to regulate our fishery properly, with protections against ultra large trawlers and damage to marine environments by foreign vessels

Lord Frost needs to make sure the UK is full control of our own single market so that there is free trade between GB and Northern Ireland as before, with the agreed  protections for the EU’s single market in the case of the minority of goods that go on from Northern Ireland to the Republic. All loads going from GB to NI for final delivery in NI can be certified as such by trusted traders and allowed  to pass as before.

There is plenty of opportunity to make and grow more of what we need as we use the freedoms of Brexit. We also need a good statement next week with a timetable to end lockdown. The way to get the deficit down is to promote vigorous recovery by every means at our disposal.
Lord Frost needs to show more determination to stand up for the UK and to use our independence. Life should no longer be a series of compromises or negotiations with the EU about how to run our own country.