Danish Foreign Minister visits Eurojust

The Hague, 10 September 2018

​The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Denmark, Anders Samuelsen, met today at Eurojust’s headquarters in The Hague with Eurojust’s Vice President and National Member for Germany, Klaus Meyer-Cabri. The discussion centred on the future relationship between Denmark and Eurojust in view of the adoption and implementation of the new Eurojust Regulation.

The Minister praised Eurojust’s contribution to the fight against serious cross-border organised crime, especially in the areas of counter-terrorism, cybercrime and migrant smuggling. The Minister further stressed Eurojust’s importance for Denmark in combating transnational criminality. Special emphasis was given to Denmark’s future involvement in Eurojust when the new Eurojust Regulation will enter into force at the end of 2019. According to the Danish Protocol to the Lisbon Treaty, Denmark will not participate in any new measure in the criminal justice field and, as a consequence, it will not participate in the new Eurojust Regulation. However, Denmark wishes to continue to work in close cooperation with Eurojust.

Mr Meyer-Cabri said: Denmark is making valuable contributions to the work of Eurojust, closely cooperating with the judicial and law enforcement authorities in other Member States, therefore enhancing security at EU level. This work needs to be maintained, while respecting the rules of the Protocol and Denmark’s position as an EU Member State. We need to quickly negotiate a new and effective partnership to allow Denmark to remain a member of the Eurojust family, thus avoiding security gaps.

From left to right: Danish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr Anders Samuelsen, National Member for Germany, Klaus Meyer-Cabri, National Member for Denmark, Jesper Hjortenberg and the Danish Ambassador in the Netherlands, Mr Jens-Otto Horslund. © Eurojust