Daily News 06 / 09 / 2018

Pologne: l’UE investit 320 millions d’euros dans les infrastructures routières

Plus de 255 millions d’euros du Fonds européen de développement régional (FEDER) vont être investis dans la construction d’un tronçon autoroutier entre les villes de Nowe Marzy, Świecie et Bydgoszcz, situées dans la partie centre nord de la Pologne, le long de l’autoroute S5. En outre, 64,6 millions d’euros du Fonds de cohésion vont permettre la construction d’une section d’autoroute entre les jonctions de Zakręt et de Lubelska de la route express S17 reliant Varsovie à Garwolin. La commissaire chargée de la politique régionale, Corina Crețu, a déclaré: «Une fois achevées, ces autoroutes offriront de nouvelles opportunités économiques aux citoyens et aux entreprises en Pologne, stimulant l’industrie, le tourisme et les échanges commerciaux. Les citoyens polonais pourront ainsi bénéficier de temps de parcours plus courts et d’une sécurité routière renforcée.» Les travaux dans le cadre des deux projets devraient être achevés en 2020. Des investissements européens sur ces deux routes ont déjà été faits: sur l’autoroute S5 – un élément central du réseau transeuropéen de transport RTE-T, l’Union européenne a déjà investi plus de 740 millions d’euros pour la période 2014-2020, tandis que les travaux sur l’autoroute S17 sont entrepris dans le cadre d’un investissement global de plus de 480 millions d’euros. (Pour plus d’informations: Johannes Bahrke – Tél.: +32 229 58615, Andreana Stankova – Tél.: +32 229 57857)

Mergers: Commission clears acquisition of Pret A Manger by JAB

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of PAM Group Limited (“Pret A Manger”) of the UK, by JAB Holdings B.V., controlled by JAB Holding Company S.à r.l. (“JAB”), of Luxembourg. Pret A Manger is a food and drink retailer. JAB holds interests in tea and coffee brands (including Jacobs, Douwe Egberts and Tassimo) and coffee and doughnut retailers (including Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Espresso House and Balzac Coffee). The Commission concluded that the proposed acquisition would raise no competition concerns in the UK, Denmark and the Netherlands, given the companies’ limited overlap in food and drink retail, the fact that they are not close competitors, and the presence of a large number of competitors. The potential vertical relation between JAB’s wholesale and Pret A Manger’s retail coffee sales does not raise competition concerns either, due to the minimal presence of Pret A Manger in countries where JAB is strong. The transaction was examined under the normal merger review procedure. More information is available on the Commission’s competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.9010. (For more information: Ricardo Cardoso – Tel.: +32 229 80100; Giulia Astuti – Tel.: +32 229 55344)

Preparation of the Eurogroup and informal ECOFIN meetings, 7-8 September 2018

Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis, Vice-President Jyrki Katainen and Commissioner Pierre Moscovici will represent the Commission at the Eurogroup and informal ECOFIN meeting taking place this Friday and Saturday in Vienna. Tomorrow’s Eurogroup meeting will give ministers the opportunity to have an exchange of views with the Chair of the European Parliament’s Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, Roberto Gualtieri MEP. They will also have a thematic discussion on allocative efficiency in labour and product markets. Ministers will then be updated on the 8th post-programme surveillance of Portugal. Finally, the Eurogroup will meet in an inclusive format to discuss the deepening of Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union – in particular the proposed common backstop to the Single Resolution Fund. Commissioner Moscovici will participate in the press conference following the meeting. The first item on the agenda of the ECOFIN starting on Friday afternoon, will be a debate on the achievements and future of the European Investment Bank. This will be followed by a discussion on the implications of increasing interest rates on financial stability as well as the economic potential and risks of cryptoassets and cryptocurrencies. A press conference with Vice-President Dombrovskis will follow this first session. The informal ECOFIN meeting continues on Saturday morning where the agenda starts with a discussion on the relevant aspects of the Commission’s recent proposals for the next EU budget. In particular, ministers will discuss in the presence of Vice-President Katainen the InvestEU programme which aims to bring together under one roof the multitude of EU financial programmes currently available, triggering investment of more than €650 billion, as well as the Commission’s proposal to support structural reforms in Member States. Finally, finance ministers will discuss the way forward on the Commission’s proposals to ensure that digital business activities are taxed in a fair and growth-friendly way in the EU. A press conference with Vice-President Dombrovskis also follows this second session of the meeting. (For more information: Christian Spahr – Tel.: +32 229 50055; Johannes Bahrke – Tel.: +32 229 58615; Annikky Lamp– Tel.: +32 229 56151; Letizia Lupini – Tel.: +32 229 51958; Patrick McCullough – Tel.: +32 229 87183)

Upcoming events of the European Commission (ex-Top News)