Cymraeg for Kids

Since the programme was established in April 2016, tens of thousands of families have received support to use more Welsh.

Building on the progress Cymraeg for Kids has made over the past three years, a new contract has been awarded to Mudiad Meithrin so they can continue to provide this support and advice.

Minister for International Relations and Welsh Language, Eluned Morgan AM said:

  “I am very pleased to announce the continuation of the Cymraeg for Kids programme. Cymraeg 2050 emphasises the importance of increasing Welsh language transmission rates within the family as well as ensuring a significant increase in the number of children in Welsh-medium education. Cymraeg for Kids has a vital role play in realising these two elements and I am pleased to announce that we will continue to work with Mudiad Meithrin to provide practical support for families across Wales.”

Dr Gwenllian Lansdown Davies, Mudiad Meithrin Chief Executive added:

“Supporting parents, carers and families to transfer or present Welsh to their children is key to the work that will lead to a million Welsh speakers by 2050. It is a privilege for Mudiad Meithrin to be able to continue to deliver an exciting program like Cymraeg for Kids with its appealing activities available free of charge across Wales.”

Dinah Ellis, National Manager, Cymraeg for Kids added:

“Cymraeg for Kids has gone from strength to strength over the past three years and we are delighted to receive confirmation of its continuation. The team of officers across Wales look forward to continuing to offer free sessions, share information with families about Welsh-medium childcare and education as well as offering practical ideas on how to introduce Welsh in the home.”