Cutting CO 2

Governments and all the UK parties in Parliament want to cut UK CO 2 output. I have been arguing against some the damaging self defeating policies they propose to do this. Stopping UK gas and oil extraction in order to import oil and gas increases world CO 2 as well as cutting our jobs and tax revenues. So does stopping food growing here so we import more. Blocking roads and deliberately creating traffic congestion boosts CO 2 from delayed vehicles. Today I will give my top picks on popular policies Ministers could follow to cut UK CO 2.

1. Reduce legal and illegal migration. Every extra person has a carbon footprint, and needs a  home and public service provision that also generate CO 2

2. Tell the public sector to substitute on line meetings for foreign travel to international meetings in most cases.

3. Install solar panels on most public sector roofs

4. Replace public sector gas central heating systems with heat pumps to create a market for them, which should then drive down prices and improve effectiveness of these unpopular products.

5. Step up bypass and better junction construction on roads to improve average fuel economy on journeys and remove more traffic from congested urban areas

6 Cancel work beyond current firm commitments on  HS2. It is very carbon intensive.
