CSTB convenes meeting to co-ordinate preparations for visitor arrivals to Hong Kong during Labour Day Golden Week of Mainland (with photos)

     The Culture, Sports and Tourism Bureau convened a meeting today (March 26) to co-ordinate the preparations for visitor arrivals to Hong Kong during the five-day Labour Day Golden Week of the Mainland from May 1 to 5. The meeting was hosted by the Secretary for Culture, Sports and Tourism, Mr Kevin Yeung, with representatives attending from government departments including the Hong Kong Customs, the Hong Kong Police Force, the Immigration Department, the Transport Department, and various District Offices. Representatives from various tourism-related organisations including the Travel Industry Authority, the Hong Kong Tourism Board, the Travel Industry Council of Hong Kong, the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, major tourist attractions and the hotel industry also attended.
     Mr Yeung said, "In anticipation of the increased number of visitors arriving in Hong Kong during the Labour Day Golden Week of the Mainland, government departments and relevant organisations will continue to work closely, making early preparations for active deployment of resources as well as stepping up co-ordination and communication with relevant Mainland counterparts so as to create good travel experiences for visitors arriving in Hong Kong."
     Relevant parties will maintain close communication before the Labour Day Golden Week of the Mainland to plan and take forward various preparations for welcoming visitors to Hong Kong.

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