CSSA caseload for April 2024

     The overall Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) caseload in April showed a drop of 365 cases, representing a decrease of 0.2 per cent compared with that of March, according to the latest CSSA caseload statistics released by the Social Welfare Department today (May 20).
     The total CSSA caseload at the end of April stood at 198 840 (see attached table), with a total of 270 618 recipients.

     Analysed by case nature, low-earnings cases registered a month-to-month decrease of 1.1 per cent to 1 513 cases. Unemployment cases decreased by 0.4 per cent to 16 879 cases. Old age cases, permanent disability cases and single parent cases all decreased by 0.2 per cent to 111 425 cases, 17 072 cases and 20 148 cases respectively.

     Ill-health cases remained steady at 27 862 cases.