CSD video “Reborn on Stage” features artist Jade Kwan in jam session with band of young persons in custody (with photos)

     The Correctional Services Department (CSD) today (March 24) released a video, "Reborn on Stage", featuring artist Jade Kwan in a jam session with a band of young persons in custody at Pik Uk Correctional Institution. The session was held in support of the use of music by persons in custody as a rehabilitation programme.

     In the video, Kwan highly praises the young persons in custody for their effort in learning to play the musical instruments and sing the song "A New Beginning" with her. The performance was brought to the stage in a short time, reflecting the great improvements in their lives. She said that music heals people and changes their lives through the rhythms and lyrics. She expressed the hope that all young persons in custody can live their lives with gratitude, health and freedom and not give up easily. They were encouraged to search for the meaning of life.

     Pianist Nancy Loo, who has been a piano tutor at Pik Uk Correctional Institution for 15 years, also attended the jam session. She said she believes that everyone holds a unique melody, combining various harmonies and rhythms to create an impressive piece of music. She said in the video that most of the young persons in custody lived without goals before they joined the band in the institution. After becoming team members in the band, they started to understand that hard work pays off.

     Both Kwan and Loo said they hope that the young persons in custody have gained inspiration through performing music on the stage, and that they may have brighter journeys in their years ahead.

     Two young persons in custody who joined the band said they were happy to sing with Kwan. Both of them said that they could express their inner selves through music.

     The CSD has all along endeavoured to facilitate the rehabilitation of persons in custody, including arranging music courses conducted by volunteers, to help them develop positive attitudes and confidence, as well as build up determination of rehabilitation, through music.

     Members of the public are invited to watch and share the video, which has been uploaded to the CSD YouTube Channel at youtu.be/M1daNUdhFSM.

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