CSD releases “Rehabilitation Pioneer Leaders” video (with photos)

     The Correctional Services Department (CSD) today (August 26) released a video on the Rehabilitation Pioneer Leaders (RPLs), a newly established youth group under its Rehabilitation Pioneer Project.
     The RPLs are students in Form Three or above. Through various training activities, such as physical exercise, foot drills and leadership and adventure training, young persons joining as RPLs can equip themselves with skills and develop their potential. They can also help promote law-abiding and rehabilitation messages in the community while participating in volunteer activities.
     In the video, entitled "Rehabilitation Pioneer Leaders", the first batch of 30 RPLs speak on their valuable experiences after joining the group.
     Recruitment for the second batch of RPLs will start in September. Interested students may look out for the details to be announced on the "Rehabilitation Pioneer Project" Facebook page.
     Members of the public are welcome to watch the video, which has been uploaded to the CSD YouTube Channel at youtu.be/BGKYRuLDf2E.

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