CSD holds Rehabilitation Partners Award Scheme Award Presentation Ceremony to honour organisations and individuals for supporting rehabilitation (with photos)


     The Correctional Services Department (CSD) today (June 13) held the first Rehabilitation Partners Award Scheme Award Presentation Ceremony to honour 120 non-governmental organisations, charitable institutions, commercial organisations and post-secondary institutions, etc, in recognition of their active support for persons in custody and rehabilitated offenders over the past two years, as well as to encourage various sectors in the community to join the Scheme and support the work of rehabilitation.
     Speaking at the Ceremony, the Deputy Financial Secretary, Mr Michael Wong, said that the CSD has endeavoured to establish close partnerships with organisations and individuals from various sectors in the community to provide comprehensive rehabilitation services. He commended the Rehabilitation Partners for their selfless efforts in supporting and assisting persons in custody and rehabilitated offenders by providing them with a wide range of services, such as organising thematic group counselling classes and interest classes for persons in custody, as well as providing assistance to supervisees on matters relating to employment, education and building family relationships after release, enabling them to smoothly reintegrate into society and turn over a new leaf after release.
     The Rehabilitation Partners Award Scheme by the CSD aims to give recognition to organisations and individuals who have been supporting rehabilitation work, and to promote community participation in rehabilitation work. The Scheme comprises three categories, namely Employment, Rehabilitation Service and Donation. A total of 24 awardees and 96 awardees were presented with Outstanding Rehabilitation Partners and Rehabilitation Partners respectively today in recognition of their contributions in their respective categories over the past two years.
     The logo of Rehabilitation Partners consists of two letters, "C and C", representing "Correctional Services" and "Community". The combination of the two letters forms an infinity symbol which symbolises the collaboration between the CSD and stakeholders from different sectors of the community to promote more diversified and targeted effective rehabilitation programmes, creating unlimited possibilities for rehabilitated offenders.

     The awardees may display the Outstanding Rehabilitation Partners or Rehabilitation Partners logos in their offices, and on websites or business cards etc.
     The CSD has been working closely with the Rehabilitation Partners to provide comprehensive and appropriate rehabilitation services for persons in custody and rehabilitated offenders, so that after their release they will become law-abiding citizens who love the country and Hong Kong. The CSD calls on various sectors in the community to continue to support and participate in rehabilitation work to build a safer and more inclusive society.
     For the list of awardees and the assessment criteria for Outstanding Rehabilitation Partners or Rehabilitation Partners, please refer to the following website:

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