CSD holds drama and music performance for secondary school students at Stanley Prison (with photos)


     The Correctional Services Department (CSD) invited more than 300 teachers and students from 10 secondary schools to attend a "Creation and Rehabilitation" drama and music performance by persons in custody (PICs) under the Rehabilitation Pioneer Project (RPP) at Stanley Prison today (March 13). The Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong, Cardinal Stephen Chow, officiated at the opening ceremony of the performance.
     In the performance, PICs staged for the students a drama featuring the story of a teenager who was tempted by peers to take drugs and became addicted to them. In order to earn money, he joined an online fraud syndicate and disguised himself as different characters to commit fraud online. At the end of the story, his family members also fell into the trap of the scam he had designed, which made him regretful. The CSD hopes that through the drama, students can enhance their ability to distinguish right from wrong and become law-abiding and drug-free citizens.
     A PIC, who shared his experiences with students participating in the event, said he was glad that the event provided him with a platform to share his personal experience with youngsters. Being a drug addict, he was sentenced to imprisonment for the offence of trafficking in dangerous drugs. He advised students to be law-abiding and stay away from drugs in order to avoid facing legal consequences for committing crimes. He also urged young people to cherish their time with their parents, otherwise they may regret it.
     Jointly organised by the CSD and the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong Lay Prison Evangelical Organisation, the "Creation and Rehabilitation" Programme has been implemented at Stanley Prison since 2011. The Programme integrates arts therapy into rehabilitation services and assists PICs in self-exploration and self-understanding through a series of creative workshops. In addition, the Programme provides opportunities for young people to visit correctional institutions and meet PICs in person so as to understand the heavy price of committing crimes and the importance of abiding by the law. At the same time, through the creation and performance by PICs, students can deepen their understanding of diversified rehabilitation programmes of the CSD, thereby recognising the importance of rehabilitation and the significance of social harmony.
     The CSD launched the RPP in September 2008 to disseminate to young people the messages of safeguarding our country and home, leading a law-abiding and drug-free life as well as supporting offender rehabilitation. Since the implementation of the programme, more than 490 000 young people and people from various sectors have participated in various activities.

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