CS welcomes and supports white paper on “Hong Kong: Democratic Progress Under the Framework of One Country, Two Systems”


     The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr John Lee, today (December 20) welcomed and expressed support for the white paper on "Hong Kong: Democratic Progress under the Framework of One Country, Two Systems" published by the Central Government, which is of profound importance and, taking the opportunity of the successful running of the first Legislative Council election after the electoral system was improved, clearly tells the world that the country is committed to developing democracy in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR).

     On the basis of historical facts, the white paper clearly points out that there was no democracy in Hong Kong under British colonial rule, and that the British Government rushed through electoral reform in Hong Kong in the very short remaining period of colonial rule with obvious ulterior motives to undermine China's resumption of exercise of sovereignty by turning Hong Kong into a de facto independent or semi-independent political entity.
     The democratic framework implemented by Hong Kong since its return to the motherland stems from the country's Constitution and the Basic Law. The improved electoral system is clearly set out in Annex 1 and Annex 2 of the Basic Law, which fully demonstrates its legitimacy, strengths and progressiveness. The new electoral system under the principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong" manifests broad representation, balanced participation, political inclusiveness and fair competition, enabling voters to vote freely and make choices. Without the Central Government's adherence to its aspiration and mission to implement "one country, two systems", the establishment of the democratic framework and the exercise of democracy in Hong Kong could not have been possible.
     With the support of the Central Government and the safeguards of the National Security Law and the improved electoral system, Hong Kong's democratic development will progress in a lawful and orderly manner in accordance with the Basic Law. Any external or internal destructive force and political conspiracy trying to interfere with the HKSAR's democratic development in accordance with the Basic Law will not succeed.

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