CS visits secondary school to learn more about implementation of national security education and national education (with photos)

     The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr John Lee, visited Clementi Secondary School this morning (October 4) and attended its flag-raising ceremony on the first school day after National Day to learn more about the implementation of national security education and national education in the school. Mr Lee also chatted with students, who shared their experience and thoughts about participating in National Day celebration activities and other civic education-related learning activities.

     Accompanied by the Under Secretary for Education, Dr Choi Yuk-lin, Mr Lee first watched the flag-raising ceremony staged by the school flag guard team. He then had exchanges with students, some of whom participated in the events "Thematic Talk on Aerospace Science by Distinguished Mainland Aerospace Scientist" and "The Spirit of the Times Shines upon Hong Kong" Activity Series: "A Dialogue Between Space and Earth", which were held in June and September this year respectively. These students discussed their exciting experience and the precious knowledge acquired from national astronauts and aerospace experts at the events.

     Mr Lee said that Hong Kong students gained an invaluable opportunity to have a direct conversation and exchange with national aerospace experts and astronauts while they were in space, which shows the country's support for Hong Kong and great importance attached to youth development in Hong Kong. He encouraged students to participate more in national education activities to enhance their understanding of the country, build up positive values and become citizens who are responsible, appreciative of Chinese culture and committed to society and the country.

     Mr Lee was then briefed by the school principal, Mrs Bonnie Fung, on the school's practical experience in implementing the guidelines on school administration in relation to safeguarding national security and promotion of national security education and values education. He also talked to teachers to understand their progress in promoting national security education inside and outside the classroom, including ways to enable the school to enhance education on the Constitution, the Basic Law and national security.

     Mr Lee said, "Schools are responsible for implementing national security education with an aim of nurturing law-abiding citizens who have a sense of national identity and are able to pass on the magnificent Chinese culture, enabling students to have pride in being a member of the Chinese nation and make contributions to the country and Hong Kong."

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