CS visits OGCIO’s monitoring centre (with photos)

     The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, this afternoon (March 3) visited the monitoring centre of the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer (OGCIO) to observe the operation of the centre and how innovation and technology could help verify people undergoing compulsory quarantine were staying at their dwelling places.
     Accompanied by the Deputy Government Chief Information Officer, Mr Tony Wong, Mr Cheung received a briefing from staff of the centre on how the application of location-sharing function of communication software and video calls could verify people undergoing quarantine were staying at their dwelling places. 
     Mr Wong also explained to Mr Cheung the components and function of electronic wristbands. The Logistics and Supply Chain MultiTech R&D Centre developed and produced the electronic wristbands, with an aim to facilitate the Government's efforts to combat the epidemic and ensure that people subject to compulsory home quarantine will not leave their dwelling places without authorisation. Each electronic wristband pairs with a smartphone and cannot be taken off casually. If the electronic wristband is broken or if the smartphone is disconnected or taken away from the dwelling place, an alert will be sent to the Department of Health and Police for follow-up action immediately. 
     Mr Cheung expressed gratitude to all staff, including retired civil servants participating in voluntary work, in the centre for standing fast at their posts and joining hands with all quarters of society in the fight against the epidemic, making significant contribution to Hong Kong people's health and well-being.
     To make better use of technology in the surveillance operation, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government requires all passengers who are subject to compulsory quarantine to activate real time location-sharing function of their mobile phones upon arrival at boundary control points. Otherwise, they will be required to put on electronic wristbands on the spot so that OGCIO will be able to monitor if they are staying at their dwelling places during the quarantine period.
     Mr Cheung stressed that all Government departments were joining hands in the fight against the epidemic. He expressed confidence that Hong Kong would win this battle on the strength of the concerted efforts of Government and the community at large.

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