CS speaks on “The Chief Executive’s 2020 Policy Address”

     Following is the transcript of remarks by the Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, at a media session on "The Chief Executive's 2020 Policy Address" at the Legislative Council Complex today (November 25):

     The Chief Executive has announced her fourth Policy Address just now. The address is entitled "Striving Ahead with Renewed Perseverance". It comes with over 200 new policy initiatives, many of which are innovative and groundbreaking. The Policy Address seeks to restore Hong Kong's constitutional order, consolidate and enhance Hong Kong's strengths and diversify its economic development, and build on our past efforts to continue to improve people's well-being.
     The Policy Address is a holistic, forward-looking and visionary policy blueprint. It provides, if I may say so, a new runway and flight path for Hong Kong to relaunch and fly high.

     Over the past year, Hong Kong had been doubly hit by social unrest and the COVID-19 epidemic. With the enactment of the National Security Law, social stability and calm in Hong Kong have been restored. The measures announced in the Policy Address fully reflect that the Hong Kong SAR Government is fully determined and committed to lead Hong Kong back on the right track and charge ahead.  

     We will firmly adhere to the Constitution and the Basic Law in ensuring the "one country, two systems" principle is fully and accurately implemented.

     We are grateful to the Central People's Government for its staunch support for Hong Kong's developments on multiple fronts.  

     The prolonged epidemic has badly hit Hong Kong and the rest of the world. But we must be fully prepared and plan ahead in turning crisis into opportunities.  

     Hong Kong has to make the best use of the new opportunities brought to us as our country enters a new phase of development. We have to fully utilise our unique strengths under "one country, two systems", and focus on business opportunities arising from better integration with overall national development. We should be a proactive participant in domestic circulation and a facilitator in international circulation in the context of the "dual circulation" development pattern.  

     Besides, we should continue to strengthen and maintain Hong Kong's position as an international financial centre and an international aviation hub. The Government is also fully committed to promoting the development of innovation and technology in Hong Kong. Many of the measures in the Policy Address will inject impetus into our economy, and lay a solid foundation for Hong Kong's long-term economic development.

     In the coming year, the Government will redouble our efforts to bring the epidemic under control, revive the economy, restore social order, and rebuild Hong Kong's international image and reputation. I fervently believe that with full co-operation of everybody in Hong Kong, we will soon be able to overcome the epidemic, and successfully relaunch Hong Kong.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)