Crime news: duty rotas for January 2023 under 2022 crime contract


News story

Providers without duty rota slots starting on 1 October need to return CRM12 forms.

Blue police station shining against a night sky

We need all providers who know that they have passed verification to return CRM12 forms for duty rota slots under the 2022 Standard Crime Contract.

You may have completed verification but missed the deadline for duty rotas beginning on 1 October 2022. If that applies to you then the next available rota starts on 3 January 2023.

Duty solicitor CRM12 forms

All providers who have completed the verification process but have yet to secure a rota slot will receive a Bravo message with a CRM12 form to complete. Providers who have not completed verification will also have received a CRM12 form. They will need to complete verification by 1 October to join the January rota.

Use Bravo to contact us if you haven’t received a CRM12 but believe you should have done.

Deadline is 5 September

All forms attached to the message need to be completed with duty solicitor details and returned by 11.59pm on Monday 5 September 2022.

Eligibility for January rota

Providers will only be eligible to join the January rota if they have accepted their contract by 1 October 2022.

Duty rota changes

Providers with members on October duty rotas should keep an eye on GOV.UK for the deadline to make changes in time for January 2023 rotas.

Further information

LAA eTendering system – to access Bravo message boards

Duty solicitors: rotas, information and guidance

Crime contract 2022 tender

Standard Crime Contract 2022

Crime news: 2022 crime contract uploads and October duty rotas

Published 22 August 2022

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