CPVO 25th Anniversary: portraits and testimonials of staff

The Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO) celebrates its 25th anniversary in 2020.

This is an excellent opportunity to turn the spotlight on some of the CPVO people who work on a daily basis to serve our stakeholders and make the Community Plant Variety Rights system work in the most professional and efficient way possible.

The CPVO employs circa 50 people, of different background and expertise, and is organised in various units and sectors. The CPVO organisation chart provides a clear view on how we are structured.

The CPVO team is gender-balanced and composed of over 12 different nationalities. Every member of staff has a valuable profile and level of expertise in a relevant function which is instrumental to the well-functioning of the organisation. CPVO’ staff are valued for their high level of professional ethics and commitment.  

In an effort to exhibit the human dimension of the CPVO and the specific competences of our staff, 33 colleagues have accepted to show who they are and explain the value of their daily contribution to the system through portrait pictures and testimonials.

Each one of these colleagues will be put under the spotlight on the CPVO twitter account during March and April 2020, but you can already consult all portraits and read the testimonials at once on this public photo gallery.

All CPVO sectors and job profiles are represented in these portraits. We’ve collected testimonials from managers, experts and assistants from the legal, technical, registry, denomination, IT, human resources, accounting, and procurement sectors.

As you can see, CPVO’s people profiles and roles are truly diverse. We are all united in one big team and we are gathered to achieve a noble mission: Delivering and promoting an efficient Intellectual Property Rights system that supports the creation of new plant varieties for the benefit of Society.

We look forward to keeping delivering on these missions in the months and years to come, and in maintaining our constructive collaboration with CPVO’s institutional partners and stakeholders!