CPC National Congress inspires foreign officials with Chinese experience

The recent 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has inspired the world with the Chinese experience, said foreign delegates in Beijing to attend a workshop on the congress.

Nearly 200 foreign officials and academics from 35 countries, including Cuba, Macedonia and Peru, took part in a Chinese Academy of Governance workshop on the congress Tuesday.

The vice president of the academy delivered a speech, “New Era, New Idea, New Journey,” which summarized the achievements of the past five years and introduced the vision of the future set out during the congress.

Three academicians gave talks on governance of the CPC, a community of shared future for humanity, and the main experiences of China’s economic development.

Marin Triana Zamira Maria, Cuban vice-minister of labor and social security, said Cuba could learn from China, combining the Chinese experience with the characteristics of Cuba to develop Cuban socialism.

Uliana Stici, a Moldovan political advisor, said that in the last five years, China had made major achievements in economic development, the digital economy, high-speed rail, highways, bridges and agricultural modernization.

Stici said that the Chinese governance model had become much stronger and more attractive to other countries inspired by China and the Chinese dream.

Nenad Kolev, director-general of the Macedonian Foreign Ministry shared a similar view, saying the 19th National Congress of the CPC had been studied widely in Macedonia.

He believes the unique Chinese development model is applicable to other countries, and can assimilate their characteristics. China’s combination of a market economy under the guidance of the socialist theory had greatly benefitted the country and the world, he said.

Most of the foreign visitors are also attending other academy seminars in Beijing. A total of 8,500 officials from 159 countries have participated in Chinese Academy of Governance seminars, according to Liu Hongyi, director-general of the academy training center.