COVID-19 Vaccine Deployment Update

I have received this update today on the Covid-19 Vaccine Deployment programme nationally. In Wokingham, the programme is proceeding on schedule and constituents should wait to be contacted about when they will receive the vaccine.

Dear John,

We are writing to you to update you on the latest important developments on our deployment of COVID-19 vaccines.

We are delighted that by the end of 1 February, 9,646,715 people in the UK have been given their first dose of a COVID-19 vaccination. We have now vaccinated almost 9 in 10 over 80s.

We set the ambitious target of offering a vaccine to all eligible elderly care home residents and by the end of January we met that target. This is an incredibly important step in the fight against this terrible virus. Elderly care home residents were rightly prioritised because they are the most at risk and we have done everything we can to protect them.

There are a small number of care homes who have not been able to get vaccinated due to an outbreak, but all elderly care homes where it is clinically appropriate have now been offered the first dose of the vaccine.

This is the biggest vaccination programme in NHS history. It has been a huge national effort, bringing together the NHS family, primary care networks, hospitals and the tens of thousands of amazing volunteers.

Looking ahead, our vaccine supply and scheduled deliveries mean we are on track to offer vaccinations to all those in JCVI priority cohorts 1-4 by 15 February. While meeting this target is a challenge, we are on track to meet it.

The latest statistical release for England can be found at the link below, and we are committed to publishing more granular data, as soon as is feasibly possible.

Despite this success we know our NHS continues to be under serious pressure. So, it is vital that we all continue to follow the rules: stay home, protect the NHS, save lives.

Yours ever,