Counting of votes for District Council Ordinary Election completed smoothly

The following is issued on behalf of the Electoral Affairs Commission:

     The counting of votes in 452 constituencies of the 2019 District Council Ordinary Election was completed smoothly at 12.25pm today (November 25).

     The counting of about 2,940,000 ballot papers was completed in about 13 hours after polling ended last night (November 24).

     "In general, the poll and the count were completed smoothly thanks to the tolerance and patience of Hong Kong citizens," the Chairman of the Commission, Mr Justice Barnabas Fung Wah, said after the announcement of all election results.

     The Commission will review various electoral arrangements. A report will be submitted to the Chief Executive within the next three months.

     The District Council election was completed smoothly under very difficult situations. Unprecedented challenges have been met. The EAC is very thankful to the Hong Kong Government, especially the Crisis Management Committee which includes the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau, the Security Bureau, the Hong Kong Police Force, the Fire Services Department, the Civil Aid Service, the Transport Department, the Home Affairs Department, the Information Services Department and the Department of Justice, for its support. Also, the Correctional Services Department and other law enforcement agencies made arrangements needed for the holding of the election.

     The Commission also thanked the Registration and Electoral Office and polling and counting staff. There were many polling stations and counting stations, which involved a large amount of resources and manpower. Training for colleagues with little election-related work experience had to be enhanced to cope with the great workload. The Commission also thanked all the electors for voting, and the candidates and their agents for their co-operation, so that the voting and counting could be conducted in an open, fair and honest manner.