Counting of votes for Chief Executive Election completed smoothly (with photos)


The following is issued on behalf of the Electoral Affairs Commission:
     The counting of votes of 2022 Chief Executive (CE) Election commenced at 11.57am this morning (May 8) and was completed at 12.20pm. The counting of 1 428 ballot papers was completed in about 23 minutes. The Returning Officer announced the election result at 12.28pm.
     "Overall, the polling and counting processes went very smoothly. The election was conducted in an open, just and honest manner. The Electoral Affairs Commission (EAC) is satisfied with the arrangements," the Chairman of the EAC, Mr Justice Barnabas Fung Wah, said on the conclusion of the election.
     The EAC will conduct a detailed review of various electoral arrangements. A report will be submitted to the Chief Executive within three months as prescribed by the law.
     The EAC is very thankful to the government departments involved, especially the members of the Crisis Management Committee including the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau, the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, the Hong Kong Police Force, the Information Services Department, the Home Affairs Department and the Department of Justice. Mr Justice Fung also thanked the Food and Health Bureau as well as the Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health for their valuable advice about infection control measures.
    The EAC extends its special thanks to the staff of the Registration and Electoral Office, polling and counting staff for their contributions and efforts, including the preparatory work, practical sessions and simulated activities before the election day, as well as today's electoral duties.
  Last but not least, the EAC thanks all Election Committee members, the candidate and his agents for their co-operation as well as media reporting on the election, so that the polling and counting processes were conducted in an open, just and honest manner.

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