Correctional Services Department publishes 2018 Annual Review Electronic Version

     The Correctional Services Department (CSD) launched its 2018 Annual Review Electronic Version today (May 24). The review showcases the department's custodial and rehabilitation work, which is aimed at protecting public safety and preventing crime. In addition to photographs and videos, an interactive game called "Canine Detectives" is included for the first time. The mini-game aims to inform members of public about the work of the Correctional Services Dog Unit.
     The CSD is currently developing a smart prison system. The smart prison concept comprises four elements, namely "development of smart governance", "implementation of process innovation", "cultivating knowledge-based correctional officers and enhancing the capacities of rehabilitated persons to reintegrate into society" and "application of smart prison designs to operate correctional institutions". The CSD aims to enhance the efficiency of its custodial operations and the security of correctional institutions through the application of innovation and technology, while also protecting the safety of correctional officers in the course of law enforcement and ensuring the safety of persons in custody. The CSD will continue to strive to help maintain the stability of Hong Kong.
     Members of the public are welcome to view the annual review or video clips on mobile phones or tablets by scanning the attached QR codes or browsing the CSD's website at