Corporate report: Regulating for people, the environment and growth


Updated: Added the 2017 report.

Annual reports on the Environment Agency’s regulation work. The reports provide information and statistics about the:

  • emissions to air from the businesses we regulate
  • number of serious pollution incidents and sectors responsible
  • compliance of businesses with their environmental permits
  • reduction in costs for businesses we regulate
  • enforcement action we take when businesses do not comply

The Environment Agency applies the regulatory framework set by government. We work with businesses to make sure they operate in a way that avoids harming people or the environment, without imposing unnecessary administrative burdens on them.

See the 2017 datasets that support the 2017 report.

See the 2016 datasets that support the 2016 report.

See the 2015 datasets that support the 2015 report.

See the 2014 datasets that support the 2014 report.

See the 2013 datasets that support the 2013 report.

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