Corporate report: Management of radioactive waste and materials inventory data


The UK Radioactive Waste and Materials Inventory (UK Inventory) provides comprehensive information on a wide range of radioactive waste and material produced by organisations in various sectors including energy, medical, research, industrial and defence.

These producers are responsible for managing information about the nature and quantities of their inventories, as well as contributing data to a central collection that is updated every 3 years. This process is managed by the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), and funded jointly with the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). The contract for the 2019 Inventory compilation and reporting is currently out to tender via the RWM Special Nuclear Services Framework Lot 3.

This approach seeks to review the NDA’s strategy to collecting and compiling inventory data, considering whether a different approach for managing the UK Inventory could have a positive impact across the sector.

Different options are being reviewed following developments in recent years that include:

  • the requirement to ensure the UK complies with international reporting obligations for spent fuels and nuclear materials
  • the establishment of a national inventory forum that brings UK practitioners together to share learning
  • introduction of new data management systems across Magnox and LLWR
  • the EU referendum
  • updated information on international inventory management practices

This paper identifies credible options, outlines how these were assessed and proposes a preferred option.

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