Corporate report: Environment Agency 2016 data on regulated businesses in England

Updated: Corrected data on the waste crime data spreadsheet. The tonnage of waste prevented and stopped at a loading site in 2016 to 2017 was 15,113 tonnes.

These datasets support the 2016 Regulating for the environment, people and growth report.

Opra (operational risk appraisal)

The Opra datasets on contain the Opra compliance ratings and the full Opra profiles. Installations and waste operations were scored to show how compliant these regulated sites were in 2016. The Opra risk assessment provides a rating that the Environment Agency uses to assess the risk to the environment for sites we regulate. A and B indicates good performance whilst bands D, E and F indicate poor performance.

Pollution inventory

The pollution inventory dataset on contains information from the pollution inventory for each release type (to air, land and waste transfers off-site). The data is grouped by sector for the industrial activities the Environment Agency regulated in 2016.

Pollution incidents

The pollution incidents dataset provides information about incidents that met the Environment Agency category 1 and 2 impact criteria for those reported in 2016. These are the most serious environmental incidents we deal with.

Compliance assessment

The national compliance assessment and compliance classification scheme datasets on contain details of compliance assessments and breaches of permits recorded by the Environment Agency in 2016.

Enforcement action

The prosecutions dataset on contains details of all prosecutions carried out in 2016 against companies by the Environment Agency. It covers all regimes we regulate. The dataset covers January 2000 to June 2017. Find out more about our position on enforcement and sanctions.

Waste crime

The waste crime summary dataset contains details of the numbers, types and activities associated with illegal waste sites, large-scale illegal dumping and illegal waste exports. The data covers each financial year from 2009 (where available) to the end of March 2017.

The waste investigations dataset on contains information about the Environment Agency’s waste crime investigation work and outcomes. The dataset covers January 1997 to September 2017.

The proceeds of crime dataset on contains details of all post-conviction confiscation orders. These are where we’ve recovered unlawful profits from illegal operators. The dataset covers January 2007 to July 2017.

The illegal dumping incidents dataset on contains all incidents of illegal dumping (fly-tipping) reported to the Environment Agency. Illegal dumping means the illegal deposit of liquid or solid waste on land, not covered by a permit or exemption. The dataset covers January 2011 to March 2017.

Remaining landfill capacity

The remaining landfill capacity dataset on provides data for the calendar year 2016. It details the reported remaining landfill capacity by operators at permitted landfill sites.


We’ve made the data on this page available to members of the public for information. We’ve published each dataset under either the open government licence or the Environment Agency conditional licence. Each dataset states the licence it’s published under. If you use the information you must meet the conditions of the relevant licence.