Corbyn states again that he would be open to indyref2 discussions

30 May 2017


Jeremy Corbyn has stated once again that he would allow another referendum on independence, and also refused to say whether he would block another vote before Brexit is completed.

On a campaign visit today Corbyn said he would allow another referendum “if the Scottish Parliament and the Scottish people want it”.

It comes after he admitted yesterday that he would “open discussions” with the SNP about another referendum.

It once again calls into question Labour’s claim that they are opposed to a second referendum, and proves that only the Scottish Conservatives can be trusted to stand up for the union.

Scottish Conservative shadow finance secretary Murdo Fraser MSP said:

“Mr Corbyn’s comment today proves that his statement yesterday that he was ‘open’ to discussions on a second referendum wasn’t a gaffe.

“If he’s elected Prime Minister, he really would be prepared to sit down with Nicola Sturgeon and discuss her plan for a second referendum.

“His comments in the last 24 hours have exposed Scottish Labour’s claim to be opposed to a second referendum as a complete sham.

“Mr Corbyn would sell us all out in Scotland in a heartbeat.

“It only goes to show that the only party you can trust to stand against the SNP’s unwanted referendum is the Scottish Conservatives.”