Contractor of Highways Department convicted for using powered mechanical equipment to carry out maintenance works at night on Smithfield in Western district

     Night-time road maintenance works on Smithfield in Kennedy Town failed to comply with the requirements of the construction noise permit (CNP). The main contractor of Hong Kong Island road maintenance works for the Highways Department, Chiu Hing Construction & Transportation Company Limited, was fined $30,000 by Eastern Magistrates' Courts today (October 22) for contravening the Noise Control Ordinance (NCO).

     The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) received a complaint from a member of the public in March about the noise nuisance generated by night-time road maintenance works at the above location. Upon investigation, EPD staff found that the main contractor of the construction site concerned failed to comply with the requirements of the construction noise permit (CNP) when carrying out night-time road maintenance works, including the use of an unauthorised breaker and without using noise enclosures to reduce noise. After investigation and evidence gathering, the EPD prosecuted the main contractor in accordance with the NCO. In addition, the department has followed up with the Highways Department on strengthening the monitoring of relevant contractors to reduce noise generated by maintenance works.
     The NCO aims to protect the public from disturbance of rest. An EPD spokesman stressed that illegal construction works will disturb the rest of the surrounding neighbourhood. Members of the construction sector should properly manage their works. They should not carry out works using unauthorised powered mechanical equipment during restricted hours (between 7pm and 7am on the following day, or at any time on a general holiday) and they must also abide by the requirements of the CNP, as otherwise it is an offence. First-time offenders are liable to a maximum fine of $100,000. A maximum fine of $200,000 may be imposed on second or subsequent conviction.