Contacting an Official Receiver

Contacting Official Receivers offices

Contacting the Long Term Asset and Distribution Team

Mail sent to the Official Receiver

Scheduled interviews with an Official Receiver

Reports to creditors

Income Payments Agreements and Orders

Official Receivers and their staff are working from home until further notice. If you need to contact us please email the office that is managing your case.

Contact details for Official Receiver offices

Mail sent to the Official Receiver

While our offices are closed we will not be able to process any physical mail sent to the Official Receiver.

We will aim to deal with emails promptly, but please bear with us as we expect the closure of offices to result in an increase in messages requiring a response. If you need to send us attachments to emails please ensure you take steps to minimise the file size, for example by zipping the documents.

Scheduled interviews with an Official Receiver

We’re not currently undertaking face to face interviews in our cases, so do not attend for any pre-arranged appointments. Please contact the Official Receiver dealing with your case and arrangements will be made for you to supply information electronically or over the telephone.

If you have been made bankrupt or are director of a company that is in liquidation and have not yet spoken to someone at the Insolvency Service it is important that you contact us without delay.

Reports to creditors

Reports to creditors will be issued in due course. If you are a creditor and urgently require a report to creditors please contact the Official Receiver dealing with the case and we will make provision to send this to you electronically.

Income Payments Agreements and Orders

If you are having difficulty making payments under an Income Payments Agreement or Order please contact the Official Receiver or LTADT team dealing with your case.