These Consultation Papers may be of particular interest to investors, issuers, including issuers already admitted to trading on a regulated market or on a multilateral trading facility, offerors or persons asking for admission to trading on a regulated market as well as to any market participant who is affected by the new Prospectus Regulation. The consultation has been split into three parts, with each consultation paper having a corresponding response form. If you are responding to more than one consultation, please upload all files in the same response.
In order to facilitate analysis of responses, respondents are requested to follow the below steps when preparing and submitting their response:
· Insert your responses to the questions in the Consultation Paper in the relevant form, available below.
· Please do not remove tags of the type
· If you do not wish to respond to a given question, please do not delete it but simply leave the text “TYPE YOUR TEXT HERE” between the tags.
· When you have drafted your response, name your response form according to the following convention: ESMA_FAC_nameofrespondent_RESPONSEFORM. For example, for a respondent named ABCD, the response form would be entitled ESMA_FAC_ABCD_RESPONSEFORM.
· Upload the form containing your responses, in Word format, to ESMA’s website ( under the heading ‘Your input – Open consultations’ à ‘Consultation on technical advice under the new Prospectus Regulation’).
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