Conservative’s reckless Brexit shows they’re prepared to gamble the UK’s ties to EU energy markets to wriggle out of climate change commitments – Long-Bailey

Long-Bailey, Labour’s Shadow Business Secretary, commenting on reports that Britain
is looking for ways to scrap its 2020 clean energy targets while maintaining
everyday trade in Europe’s energy market, said:

“The Conservative’s reckless Brexit shows they’re
prepared to gamble the UK’s ties to EU energy markets simply to wriggle out of
their climate change commitments. They’re failing one of Labour’s six tests by
watering down environmental and climate change protections, and leading a race
to the bottom.

“The fact is that the Tories would risk our lights
going out in order to create a low-wage, deregulated, bargain basement Britain.

“Theresa May needs to give Britain’s energy
security and our commitment to renewable energy investment the status it
deserves. At present it seems that only Labour would guarantee investment in
our future energy needs that meet our climate change commitments, and build a
new working partnership with the rest of Europe.”
