Conservatives’ campaign chaos as extent of millionaire donations revealed

The Conservatives election campaign
is in chaos as the extent of their millionaire-backing is revealed, Labour
Leader Jeremy Corbyn says today.

In the latest in a string of errors
and about-turns, Defence Secretary, Michael Fallon’s pledge that people would
pay no more tax under the Tories was immediately contradicted by Theresa May,
who refused to rule out a tax hike on working people, through rises in income
tax or higher National Insurance contributions.

The Tories were already reeling from
the chaos and confusion over their plans for social care and where they would
set the cap they originally said they had rejected, and were forced to withdraw
their school breakfasts policy after it was exposed they had only set aside
6.8p per meal.

The threat of further Tory tax rises
on working people comes as it was revealed just 49 individuals have donated
more than a third of all Tory party funding since Theresa May became Prime

In contrast, Labour’s manifesto
clearly commits to no income tax, National Insurance or VAT rises for 95 per
cent of taxpayers, with big businesses and those paid more than £80,000 a year
asked to pay a bit more to reverse years of underinvestment in our NHS, schools
and other public services.

Jeremy Corbyn, Labour Leader, said:

“First social care and school
breakfasts, now the Tories are in chaos over their tax plans for the super-rich,
as it is revealed they are entirely dependent on them for their funding. While
Michael Fallon claims there will be no tax rises, Theresa May refuses to rule
them out. You can’t trust a word the Tories say.

“Labour is the low tax party for the
many while the Conservatives are the low tax party for the few. We won’t raise
taxes for 95 per cent of taxpayers but will ask high earners and big businesses
to pay a little more so we can give nurses and other public servants a pay
rise, and invest in the public services we all rely on.”

Andrew Gwynne, Labour’s Joint National Campaign
Co-ordinator, said:

“The Tories are bankrolled by
millionaire bankers, tycoons and hedge fund bosses – the very people they’ve
given tax breaks to while everyone else pays more. In contrast, Labour is
funded by thousands and thousands of people making small donations because they
want a better society for everyone.

“Labour’s plans are fully costed and
fully set out in our manifesto for everyone to see. The only numbers in the
Tory manifesto are the page numbers. The wheels are coming of the
Conservatives’ election campaign, with Theresa May hiding from the public,
refusing to debate Jeremy Corbyn, and backsliding on social care, NHS and
schools funding, and now their tax plans.”