Conservative Conference 2019


My current plan is to attend the Conference on Monday, subject to events in Parliament. I have been given permission by the Whips to be absent on Monday to honour speaking engagements in Manchester.

If all goes to plan I will be speaking

11.00am  “Problem debt and poverty”  Centre for Social Justice Panel discussion    Room 15/16 Radison Blu Hotel, Free Trade Hall Peter Street

13.00   Bruges Group   Panel Discussion  with Arlene Foster, Martin Howe and Mark Francois on trade, Irish backstop and related matters

The Comedy Store Arches 3 and 4, Deansgate Locks Whitworth Street West

18.30  “Leaving in a month,  no ifs, no buts ” Politeia  The Mechanics Institute, 103 Princess Street

Jacob Rees Mogg also down to speak

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