Concrete batching plant in Yau Tong convicted again of breaching licence condition

     The concrete batching plant of China Concrete Company Limited located on Tung Yuen Street in Yau Tong was convicted and fined $8,000 at Kwun Tong Magistrates' Courts today (July 9) for contravening the Air Pollution Control Ordinance (APCO) as a result of not operating in accordance with a licence condition again.

     The Environmental Protection Department (EPD) has been closely monitoring environmental nuisances caused by the non-compliant operation of concrete batching plants in Yau Tong. Enforcement officers of the EPD conducted a blitz inspection in December last year and found that the vehicle cleaning facility of the aforementioned concrete batching plant was not operating properly. As a result, concrete mixers carried dust and mud stuck to their bodies and wheels to public roads when leaving the plant, breaching the relevant condition of a specified process licence. After collecting evidence, the EPD initiated a prosecution against China Concrete Company Limited.

     According to the conditions of licences issued under the APCO, the body and wheels of a concrete mixer must be washed thoroughly with pressurised water sprays before the vehicle leaves a concrete batching plant. In addition, wastewater generated from vehicle cleaning must be properly collected and treated. A spokesperson for the EPD reminded the concrete manufacturing sector that they must strictly adhere to the conditions of their licences, and properly manage as well as adopt their concrete manufacturing procedures. They must also adopt the best practicable pollution control measures to avoid polluting the environment and adversely affecting nearby residents.

     First-time offenders breaching the conditions of licences issued under the APCO may be liable to a maximum fine of $100,000. A maximum fine of $200,000 and six months' imprisonment may be imposed on a second or a subsequent conviction.