Communications Authority press release

The following is issued on behalf of the Communications Authority:
     This press release summarises the decisions of the Communications Authority (CA) following its 97th meeting held in July 2020:
Updated investment plan of PCCW Media Limited (PCCW Media)
     Upon an application by PCCW Media, a domestic pay television programme service (pay TV) licensee, the CA approved PCCW Media's updated six-year investment plan for 2015 to 2021. Under this updated investment plan, the total investment by PCCW Media for the period will be adjusted to $18,152 million, comprising $995 million for capital investment as well as $17,157 million for programme investment and other operating expenditures.
     Pursuant to the relevant licence condition in the pay TV licence of PCCW Media, unless otherwise approved by the CA, PCCW Media is required to comply with the statements and representations in the Licensee's Proposal, including a six-year investment plan for 2015 to 2021 amounting to $23,548 million, comprising $1,100 million of capital investment for the development, upgrading and maintenance of its infrastructure and transmission facilities as well as $22,448 million for programme investment and other operating expenditures.
     In approving PCCW Media's updated investment plan, the CA recognised the increasingly challenging business environment for broadcasters amidst recent economic downturns and substantial changes to the industry landscape since the investment plan was formulated back in 2013. Under its updated investment plan, PCCW Media will continue to upgrade its broadcasting facilities and invest in programming and production in the remaining two years covered by the updated plan.
Broadcast complaint
     The CA considered a complaint case about the television programme "Hong Kong Our Home Concert" broadcast on September 14, 2019, on the Jade Channel of Television Broadcasts Limited (TVB). The CA decided that TVB should be advised to observe more closely the relevant provision of the Generic Code of Practice on Television Advertising Standards. Details of the case are at
Breach of licence condition by Health TV Company Limited (HTV)
     The CA decided that HTV, a non-domestic television programme service (non-domestic TV) licensee, had breached Condition 10.1 of its non-domestic TV licence by failing to provide a non-domestic TV service for a substantial period since November 30, 2018. Taking into account the circumstances of the case and HTV's representations, the CA decided that HTV should be seriously warned to observe the relevant licence condition more closely. Pursuant to section 24(1) of the Broadcasting Ordinance (Cap. 562), the CA directed HTV to resume its service by August 31, 2020. 
Renewal of "Other Licensable Television Programme Service" licences
     The CA approved the applications by Showers of Blessing Evangelistic Ministry (Hong Kong) Limited and Swire Properties Hotel Management Limited for renewal of their other licensable television programme service (other licensable TV) licences for the provision of television programme services to hotel rooms in Hong Kong for three years and 12 years respectively.
     Following the renewal of the above licences, there will be 21 other licensable TV licensees providing television programme services to more than 60 hotels in Hong Kong.