Commissioner of Police encourages officers to inherit Force’s spirit of “Serving Hong Kong with Honour, Duty and Loyalty” (with photos)

     The Commissioner of Police, Mr Siu Chak-yee, inspected a passing-out parade as the reviewing officer at the Hong Kong Police College today (November 27). He hoped the graduates would inherit the Force's spirit of "Serving Hong Kong with Honour, Duty and Loyalty", to continue safeguarding national security and maintaining social order in a professional manner.

     In his speech, Mr Siu said that as the Central Government successively introduced the Hong Kong National Security Law and the improved electoral system, Hong Kong society has stepped out from chaos and stability was restored. In addition to continuing to guard against national security risks lurking in Hong Kong, the Force is committed to improving social order and consolidating relations with all sectors of the society, as well as gathering the support of every Hong Kong citizen.

     He shared that some people, influenced by fake news and once held prejudice against the Force, were later touched by the Police’s professionalism after interacting with officers in person and understanding the work of the Force. There was a case in which a little girl felt scared after being robbed. Her parents were deeply moved by the police officers’ genuine care shown to their daughter during investigation. He also mentioned that there was a taxi driver who saw how a frontline officer handled a case with empathy. With a "never give up" attitude, the police officer successfully rescued a baby girl in shock with multiple cardiopulmonary resuscitation attempts to save her life.

     Mr Siu said that more thank-you letters from the public to the Force had been published in the latest Special Edition of OffBeat. Each thank-you letter proved that as long as police officers show more empathy to the citizens, the more support the Force will get. "Try to think about how you want colleagues to protect the people around you, then you will know how to protect the public when you put on your uniform to discharge duties," he added.

     The Director of the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council, Mr Xia Baolong, praised the Hong Kong Police Force as a team that "deserves the reputation of being the best Police Force in the world." Mr Siu believed that this honour was hard to come by, and was achieved by the predecessors' blood and sweat. He encouraged graduates to live up to the Country's support and do their best to maintain national security as well as social order and rule of law in Hong Kong. He summed up his expectations for the graduates and advised them to "maintain national security and public order in the name of world excellence; carry on with national pride and fulfill duty in a brave and pragmatic style."

     Last but not least, Mr Siu paid tribute to Chief Inspector of Police (Posthumous) Ms Lam Yuen-yee who died heroically in September this year, praising her for fully demonstrating the Force's spirit of "Serving Hong Kong with Honour, Duty and Loyalty".

     A total of 24 probationary inspectors and 86 recruit police constables passed out today.

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