Commission on Children convenes 18th meeting

     The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr Chan Kwok-ki, today (August 24) chaired the 18th meeting of the Commission on Children.

     At the meeting, representatives of the Health Bureau, together with the project team of the Chinese University of Hong Kong commissioned by the Bureau, briefed members on the results of the psychiatric epidemiologic survey targeting children and adolescents aged 6 to 17 in Hong Kong. The survey covered the major mental health issues, risk factors, cost burden of mental disorders, service utilisation, etc, of local children and adolescents. After the briefing, members expressed their views on the mental health of children and adolescents and related matters.

     In addition, representatives of the Hong Kong Police Force shared with members the insights from its interviews conducted with children and adolescents in recent years, and briefed them on its activities that sought to nurture positive values in children and adolescents. Members thanked the Police's efforts and expressed their views on related matters.

     Members took note of the progress of work by the Working Groups under the Commission on Children. In particular, under the "Walk with Kids" thematic campaign, two stakeholder engagement events were successfully held on May 5 and June 22 this year under the themes of "Protection" and "Health" respectively. They aimed to gather the views of children and stakeholders, and encourage parents to strengthen communication with their children and address their physical and mental needs. Members were pleased to learn of the participants' active involvement and willingness to share their opinions in the events. They also agreed that the events had promoted community engagement at large while enabling members to talk to children and stakeholders directly to better understand their thinking.