Collection: UK sea fisheries annual statistics

Updated: UK sea fisheries annual statistics report 2016 added

The publications include information on:

  • the structure and activity of the UK fishing industry
  • landings
  • supplies, overseas trade and marketing
  • main stocks and their level of exploitation
  • the world fishing industry

UK Sea Fisheries Statistics archive (pre-2012) is available online.

Additional information

National statistics

United Kingdom Sea Fisheries Statistics and its subsidiary publications, The UK Fishing Industry: Structure and Activity and The UK Fishing Industry: Landings adhere to the Code of Practice for Official Statistics. More information, as well as uses of the statistics.

User consultation

The 2009 edition of United Kingdom Sea Fisheries Statistics introduces a number of changes to the format, quality and content of the publication based on user consultation that took place in February 2010.

Special note

Information relating specifically to the 2009 version of United Kingdom Sea Fisheries Statistics is provided. This document includes changes based on the user consultation.

Table of species

This table provides a list of species included in United Kingdom Sea Fisheries Statistics. Species are classified by group. The species code and Latin name are also provided. Where there is a group title, the species included within the group are listed. For example, ‘Oysters’ is a group title used in UK Sea Fisheries Statistics and species included in this group are:

Species Latin name
Oysters Ostrea spp
Native Oysters Ostrea edulis
Pacific Oysters Crassostrea gigas
Portuguese Oysters Crassostrea spp

The Marine Management Organisation follows all Defra statistical policies.