Collection: Solway Tweed River Basin District preliminary flood risk assessments


Most of the Solway Tweed River Basin District is in Scotland.

You can find information about flood risk management planning in Scotland on the SEPA website.

The English catchments of the Eden, Waver and Wampool, which drain into the Solway Firth, and the River Till in the River Tweed catchment, are also part of the Solway Tweed River Basin District. Information about the English catchments is included in the preliminary flood risk assessments for Cumbria County Council, North Yorkshire County Council and Northumberland County Council

Under the Flood Risk Regulations 2009, each lead local flood authority must carry out a preliminary flood risk assessment for its area and review it every 6 years.

PFRAs are used to identify areas where the risk of flooding is significant.

View a map of the river basin districts.

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