Collection: River Thames Scheme

Updated: We have updated the page with current information about the River Thames Scheme including updated maps.

The River Thames Scheme will reduce flood risk to people living and working near the Thames, enhance the resilience of nationally important infrastructure, contribute to a vibrant local economy and maximise the social and environmental value of the river.

Between 2020 and 2025 we will build a new flood channel alongside the River Thames to reduce flood risk to 15,000 properties in communities in Datchet, Wraysbury, Egham, Staines, Chertsey, Shepperton, Weybridge, Sunbury, Molesey, Thames Ditton, Kingston and Teddington.

The channel will be built in 3 sections and includes widening of the Desborough Cut and increasing the capacity of weirs at Sunbury, Molesey, and Teddington by installing additional weir gates.

15,000 homes and 2,400 business will be better protected from flooding. Road, rail, power and water networks will be more resilient. We will create 106 hectares of new public open space and 23km of new pathways. We will improve biodiversity for wildlife through the creation of 250 hectares of new habitat.

Construction of the new channel gives us the opportunity to create habitats for wildlife and recreation activities including walking, cycling, boating and angling.

As development work continues, we are working with communities between Datchet and Teddington to increase their resilience to flooding. This includes working with emergency services, local councils and other organisations to co-ordinate their response during major floods.