Collection: Producer responsibility regulations

Updated: ‘Packaging producer responsibility monitoring plan 2018’ added under the ‘Packaging’ heading.

Producer responsibility is about making sure businesses that manufacture, import and sell these products are responsible for their end of life environmental impact.

The regulations require businesses to:

  • minimise waste arising from these products and promote their re-use
  • ensure the waste products are treated and meet recovery and recycling targets for the waste materials
  • design products by reducing material use and enhancing reusability and recyclability

Enforcing compliance: the regulators

The UK environmental regulators for producers, producer compliance schemes and treatment facilities are:

Environment Agency (England)

Natural Resources Wales (Wales)

Northern Ireland Environment Agency (Northern Ireland)

Scottish Environment Protection Agency (Scotland)

Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) for the ELV regulations

Regulatory Delivery (RD) for placed on the market regulations for WEEE and batteries, for distributors of WEEE and batteries, producers of industrial and automotive batteries and restrictions on heavy metals in vehicles.