Collection: Marine licensing: nationally significant infrastructure projects

Updated: Hornsea Two Offshore Wind Farm – Variation 1 added

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is involved in different nationally significant infrastructure projects (NSIPs) in the English inshore and offshore, and Welsh offshore areas under the Planning Act 2008. The Planning Inspectorate (PINS) examine these applications and provide recommendations to the Secretary of State.

MMO acts as a:

  • statutory consultee during the pre-application stage
  • interested party during the examination stage
  • licensing and consenting body

If a development consent order (DCO) is granted, MMO is responsible for enforcing, post-consent monitoring, varying, suspending, and revoking any deemed marine licence(s) as part of the DCO.

Variation of a deemed marine licence (DML)

The MMO is able to vary a DML in accordance with section 72 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009. Requests to vary a DML should be submitted in writing to MMO and should include:

  • a cover letter
  • detail of the proposed change(s) to the DML
  • a supporting summary statement detailing why the proposed variation is permissible with reference to the original application and in consideration of any implications for the existing DCO
  • any additional supporting information required.

Variations to DMLs are chargeable and further guidance on fees is available.

Further information

The National Policy Statement for Ports provides the framework for decisions taken by the Secretary of State.

The 6 National Policy Statements for Energy Infrastructure apply to NSIPs in England and Wales, including territorial waters and to any offshore renewable energy zone.