Coleg Cymraeg Cendedlaethol’s role to be expanded – Kirsty Williams

The announcement was made as the Cabinet Secretary formally accepted the recommendations made by the review of the activities of the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol which was published earlier this year. The review concluded the Coleg makes a key contribution to Welsh-medium provision in the higher education sector and its remit should be expanded.

The establishment of the review was a key part of the Progressive Agreement between the First Minister and Kirsty Williams.

The Coleg will now be tasked with working with the Welsh Government to create a formal action plan to develop Welsh-medium post-16 provision over the next three years and establishing a post-16 advisory board made up of experts in the field to advise on the development of the plan and any future interventions.

Making the announcement, the Cabinet Secretary said:

“Our Cymraeg 2050:  A million Welsh speakers strategy, launched in the summer, aims to develop post-compulsory education provision to support everyone, whatever their command of the language, to develop Welsh language skills for use socially and in the workplace.

“This is an important step forward to develop opportunities for all learners to study through the medium of Welsh or bilingually.  I’m pleased that the Coleg will be able to take these recommendations forward and that is already engaging with the post-16 sector and developing its activities for the future.”

Delyth Evans, who chaired the task and finish group that carried out the review, said:

“I am pleased the report has been welcomed and the recommendations have all been accepted. The future for the Coleg is exciting and I am delighted the task and finish group has been able to contribute to its development and lay the foundation for future development.”