Cluster of Rhinovirus and Enterovirus cases in Caritas Medical Centre


The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

     The spokesperson for Caritas Medical Centre made the following announcement today (May 4):
     Five patients (two boys and three girls, aged 1 to 13) and one staff member in a paediatric ward presented with upper respiratory tract symptoms since April 25. The hospital arranged clinical specimen testing for the five patients and the test results were positive for Rhinovirus/Enterovirus. Apart from one patient who has been discharged, the remaining patients are being treated under isolation with stable condition.
     Following the activation of Emergency Response Level in public hospitals, visiting arrangements for the ward have been suspended. The ward concerned has adopted the following enhanced infection control measures according to prevailing guidelines:

  1. Admission to the ward has been suspended to conduct thorough cleaning and disinfection;
  2. Application of stringent droplet and contact precautions; and
  3. Enhanced hand hygiene for staff and patients.

     The hospital will closely monitor the situation of the ward concerned. The cases have been reported to the Hospital Authority Head Office and the Centre for Health Protection for necessary follow-up.

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