Cluster of Parainfluenza cases at Caritas Medical Centre

The following is issued on behalf of the Hospital Authority:

  The spokesperson for Caritas Medical Centre made the following announcement today (May 14):
  Four patients aged eight to 13 with a history of chronic illnesses residing in the Paediatric Developmental Disabilities Unit of Caritas Medical Centre have presented with respiratory symptoms since May 10. Appropriate viral tests were arranged for the patients and the test results of all four patients were positive for Parainfluenza Virus Type 3. The patients are being treated under isolation and are in a stable condition.
  The hospital has informed the relatives of the patients about the situation. Infection control measures at the ward have been enhanced. All other patients and staff in the ward are under close surveillance.
  The hospital has reported the cases to the Hospital Authority Head Office and the Centre for Health Protection for necessary follow up. The hospital will continue closely monitoring the situation on the ward.